Crap! I have too much Crap!
Well - I'm moving to a larger apartment down the hall in a couple days. Not too far, not too much stuff to move.. I figure it shouldn't take too long.
2 things I didn't count on...
1 - I have more crap than I thought.
2 - You really have to pack nearly everything everything even if you're only moving 13 steps (yes, I counted them just now) down the hall.
Anyway.. I figure since I have my camera now - I'll give everyone a look at before and after pics of my little move.
Here is the current state of my apartment as of 2:30 this AM.
Here's my Kitchen - you can barely make it out, but there is my table in there.

Here's my Living Room - this is all the junk from my closet spread out on the floor. Hopefully most of this will go to garbage, Sally Anne, etc before tomorrow is done.

So the plan from here.
I work everyday this week, and tomorrow night I'll be sorting and boxing this all up. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to start moving in Wednedsay and do a good cleaning of this apartment Thursday for my buddy to move in to a clean place Friday.
Fingers are crossed. On top of this headache I need to find a party for New Year's, nail down some work stuff / employment stuff for the New Year, and get my orthotics fitted properly. I'll keep y'all up to date on the move though, simply cuz I'm certain many (or most) will be entertained by images of my piece of bachelor paradise being turned upside down.
Oh Huma, here's a 12 step program for you
1. buy 1.5 ltr of red wine and new cork screw, do not pack, take directly to new apartment.
2. drink like the Italians, use a tumbler
3. find toilet paper
4. put in place
5. begin kitchen
6. go, back, to #1 pour glass....
7. call buddy to help you
8. Bribe with wine, tell them to bring their own tumbler - Gazzoo???
9. order pizza,
10. call buddy back, tell him to bring more wine
11. don't hang pictures till hangover subsides
12. locate AA phone number - plan to attend first meeting Jan 1
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