Big Brother is concerned
Mostly about the fact many folks are only checking out this blog on Monday's.
Yes, I have a stat counter. I can see how often people return to this site, though I don't know who is returning or precisely how often (I'd have to pay for that).
After me dropping this bombshell, you must be wondering "Why is he looking at a stat counter?".
The answer is simple... Vanity. It's kinda neat seeing how many different folks enjoy coming back to see what's on my mind. It's also a real ego stroke.... "Gee, my thoughts and opinions must be pretty deep, interesting, intriguing, etc."
It's weird though, how having a look at the 'stats' can sometimes cause some 'performance anxiety'....
"There's a bunch of people checking my blog... my next post better be good... they're counting on me!" - Right, like you're riveted at the prospect at looking to see what Huma has in store for you today..."
It's also neat to see what posts genereate interest.
Apparently Gazooisms drew some attention... I'm sure it's mostly folks who feel sorry for the illiterate little guy. (btw - remind me to post of 'metrosexuality' and how it's apparently 'ok').
Another one was My Pain about typical computer support stuff I deal with for a living.
Now, I find these two had a few hits, though no one really left many comments. as for 'My Pain' - I suspect people may have gone to the linked site, and not returned... which is fine... cuz who really cares about the nerd in the computer closet? Right?
Well - I'm about to sort through some of my moving pics and will hopefully have some up later (that'd be a two'fer - OR EVEN A THREE'FER if you count the post from 2:45 AM as today and not last night!)
But anyway... let's get some comments here.
What makes a good post?
Why have the last 3 buses I've ridden smelled of urine?
Why did I order 18 wings last night and then have cake after I got home?
Is it really OK to call yourself a 'metro-sexual' and turn down a liquid lunch because you're spending lunch at "Linen n' Things"?
When will these DUMB questions end?! THIS I can answer.
Huma, you are right. Sometimes we post just to hear ourselves speak. I only really started my own blog becuase I thought my comments were becoming to long and involved on other peoples. I mean people come to your site to read your thoughts... not mine... Mind you I love reading what other people have to say about my blogs. Oh wait, this is about you... ok lets focus. I do find your tirades very entertaining. But don't quit your day job, its where you get so much material!! Ok, enough about you. I saved a draft of a blog I wanted to post tonight in my "draft" email, I meant to access it via OWA - its not there!!! I'm sure I'll get to work and find it, gall darn it I wanted to post from home and I'm much to lazy to type it all out again. So - did you read all this?
me again - comment moderation - post on that. People can't get the immediate gratification of posting a comment. Maybe they're worried you'll censor them.
Blondie - when you say "this is all about you" (you being me)... I feel pretty good. And, you are becoming one of my favs! YAY!
NOW - this isn't a competition, BUT... if you folks feel a competitive urge to become my fav, I suggest frequently posting comments that start with things like: "Huma, you are right." - you canb't go wrong there, and NO, I am not a big enough man to shrug off such obvious attempts to curry my favour. NOTE: the U in favoUr....
HA! I check often, and yes, you dissapoint me when you haven't posted. Feel better?
Yes, someone pee'd in the bus. Ewww.
What's wrong with cake after wings?
Very wrong to have lunch at Linen N Things. I'm all about lunch, and they don't serve it.
Game on baby!
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