Thursday, March 23, 2006

bonk bonk bonk

I was getting a coffee today and as I was waiting in line, I heard this bonk bonk bonk sound from behind the corner.
This drew my attention towards the two guys working the counter. I followed their eyes and saw the two guys were watching a pretty good looking chick walking up the stairs. This made me smile.

Now I'm at the counter and as I'm waiting for my coffee I hear the bonk bonk bonk. This time I see it's one of the guys gently kicking a cupboard door to get his colleagues attention. I turn to look behind me and see possibly the most horribly dressed eccentric lady I have ever noticed. Picture Cruella Deville meets this guy.
I'm ashamed to admit that after my shock I had a slight chuckle... or smirk.... or maybe a muffled guffaw? No, it was definitely a chuckle.

I then thought to myself:
'These guys must see all types of people. One hottie, one poor soul oblivious to what they are wearing. I suppose I'd keep an eye out for anyone who's cute or strange in some way."

Anyway, I paid for my coffee and as I took three steps away... bonk bonk bonk.



Blogger Blondie said...

I can't believe that guys pay so much attention - women NEVER watch people that way (you don't have thick ankles do you?)

23/3/06 19:27  
Blogger Blondie said...

BTW - I love the instant gratification of NO MORE MODERATING! now, if I can always read those mixed up letters I'll be luck!

23/3/06 19:28  

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