Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Do you measure up? I think so.

I'm walking around the corner at a clients today, and look to see the top off the head of Twin*.
Yes, she was sitting at her chair, but even seated, I was surprised to notice top of her monitor sits higher than the top of her head.
This didn't upset me or anything... it's just one of those things you don't really notice the first 50 times you see the person, like when your wife or girlfriend gets a haircut.
So I ask Twin if her chair might be too low. she replied no, that when seated her knees are at a right angle.
"You know I'm only 5'3"!"
This statement is what caught my attention.
"You are 5'3", not only 5'3"; is how I replied.

She gave a polite smile, and laughed off the predicatble short joke I made later in the day via email. But I got thinking. Nearly all the women I know have told me how tall they are. Don't thinrk I remember every one's height - but I'm pretty certain most have told me how tall they are. I know how tall some of the guys I know are, but that usually comes up in the context of sports.
"I'll kick you butt in the high jump, I'm 6'2" and you're only 5'11". Don't wast your time you worthless sack of excrement." My friends and I can be a little competitive.

So, what is this pre-occupation women seem to have with their height? I could not by any means suggest how much any woman weighs. I have absolutely no point of reference, since to my recollection, NOT ONE woman has volunteered to tell me her weight.

Reasons I can think of to tell people precisely how tall you are.
  • You're telling the story of why you couldn't be a barber because you were too short at the 'International Barber College NBA Campus'.
  • You're 4 yrs old and want to ride the Tea Cups.
  • You're dealing with an architect to build your own 100% customized dream home. (Imagine being 5'3" and some moron installs a 5'2" door frame?)
  • You're phoning the police to clarify their 'Wanted Dead or Alive' posters are wrong. "Why yes I'm am medium build, armed and dangerous, but I'm actuall 4 inches taller than you think!"

Anyway - I just thought I'd ask the question. I suppose this ties in to the whole need for 4 inch stiletto heels while grocery shopping at Super Store (see previous post).

I also thought I'd share the above link and this bit of information. Some of the 'shorter than average' celebs are FREAKING HOT!

BTW - Didn't Soleil Moon Frye play Winnie Cooper? If so, then just how short is Fred Savage. What a short little LOSER! j/k

* denotes Twin sister of 'Talks with her Hands'. Though they both claim to be unrelated, they are identical twins... there's a happy milkman out there somewhere.


Blogger Blondie said...

You've got me thinking, maybe women specifically should pay less attention to height like we are being told to do with weight. I was always the tall girl... I have more childhood memories of height trauma then I do of weight trauma i.e. those short girls who were SO cute and caught the eyes of ALL the boys, they could do cart wheels - not me, grew too fast, couldn't get used to my own body. Dad swore I would play basketball - nope, too uncoordinated in said body. Couldn't wear great stilletos - made me too tall... learned to slouch, still unlearning that one. Good think I grew into my height which incidently is 5'9". My daughter can't wait to get taller then me (almost there, she's only 13). I'm confident she will never have to get over the issues I did... I am over them, I've picked a new obsession - weight... LOL

7/3/06 06:21  
Blogger Jo said...

I don't know whey the obsession with height. It's one thing we cannot permanently change. I always made myself out to be taller than I am, although I am average. 5'5 & 3/4
Yes, I do include the 3/4 in case anyone questions it. HA!

7/3/06 17:14  
Blogger rawbean said...

Soliel Moon Frye did not play Winnie Cooper - she played punky brewster. Hope you're not adding to the wikepedia website.

7/3/06 18:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with blondie on all of her childhood trauma related to hight. Mine's exactly the same. I was always the girl in the middle of the last row in the class picture on picture day back in elementary school. I hated that.

As adults? One reason that hasn't been mentioned...perhaps it has something to do with wanting to look up into "someone's" eyes. Not down. Not at. UP! Difficult when you are tall and the average guy is, what? 5'10"? 5'11". He's gotta have at least three inches on you to make it count.

7/3/06 20:56  
Blogger Blondie said...

Yeah, further to anonymous... my nephew is 17 and 6'4" - so are most of his friends... when I was in highschool it seemed most boys still had to hit their growth spurt - what are they feeding them now days?

8/3/06 22:09  
Blogger Huma said...

Thanks Rawbean.
I thought Soleil moved on to Wonder Years after Punky - but I was mistaken.

for those of us dying to know - Winnie was played by Danica McKellar.

And has anyone here notice just how gorgeous Soleil Moon Frye is?
I realise it seems only women post comments here, but for that 1 guy out there who MAY be reading.. chek it out.

9/3/06 01:00  

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