Wow - Almost 2 weeks?!
Hey All!
I dunno what's happened since last post.... I haven't been thinking too much about things I suppose... kind of in a dze, etc.
Here' a cheesy recap of things popping in to my head right now. Perhaps I'll look back and use some of these for future posts.
- People shold start reading Druski's stuff. Yeah, he can be a touch long winded at times but there be some gold in dat dare blog. - Hey Druski, how about a post on odd and obscure observer rulings in ultimate? :)
- Is it wrong and childish to snicker when a woman turns to you and says "I'm engrossed in my Harry Potter." (btw - yes she was describing her love for one of the books)
- My blog readership seems kinda low. I think I'll start randomly adding words to make it appear more often in search engine results. (horny)
- Did you know Vin Diesel was in Saving Private Ryan> How would Vin Diesel look with a full head of hair? - Rawbean, I thik your artisitc talents are up to the challenge.
- My dirty cap? Should I clean it? (XXX
- I'm watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. If I was holed up in Helms Deep and saw that army approaching... that'd kinda suck.
- Wouldn't it be cool if you take jousting a phys-ed unit in high school?
And here's a quick little story:
After our game Sunday (we won our closest game yet) I was aching to go for a post-game beer and pizza. There's a Boston Pizza nearby, so I figure I'll suggest wew go. There are only 4 of us interested in going, as everyone else is heading home for the night. I'm the only guy in this group of four. Fortunately the Golf Dome (where we play ultimate indoors) has in house microphones, and I obtained a transcript of our conversation:
The lesson: Just wait for the ladies to get things planned at their own pace.
HA! I love "talks with her hands"
Too funny!
Ok, you really have to remove the comment moderation. I want immediate gratification!!
I'm with Jay - down with comment moderation - if you get a comment you don't like - there is this little trash can icon below the post - you can delete it there...
(yes I think I'm funny)
ALWAYS wait for the women to decide... its just better that way.
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