Thursday, August 11, 2005

Tired, yet do not wish to sleep....

My brother tells his 3 year old it's time for bed. She whines... "I don't wanna.." And the ritual we all have experienced, if not from the perspective of the parent, at least from the perspective of the child.

Why "don't I wanna go to bed"? I recall when I was younger that I was afraid of missing out on things.
On missing out on what, I never really knew... but I was pretty certain something good was about to happen as soon as I went to sleep.

Anyway.... it's nearly 23:00 (yes, I prefer 'military time'... far more efficient) and I am fighting to stay awake.
I'm tired, sore, achy, etc. Need rest, have a big day tomorrow.. yet here I am, typing this blog.
I'm 28 yrs old.. I should not be afraid of missing out on things. I shouldn't really care if I update this blog. I shouldn't be concerned of satying up in case a 'good' rerun gets played on TV. But yet I am awake.

Am I the only one lacking in judgement like this? Do you ever find yourself staying awake for no good reason?
Maybe you've stayed up late debating whether or not you REALLY NEED TO BUY THE BEEF JERKEY MAKER. Or whatever.

I'm curious.

Have a good night :)


Blogger rawbean said...

I just have a comment on the beef jerky maker: a.k.a. the RONCO FOOD DEHYDRATOR. That guy also made the spray on hair...

Anyways, I used to watch that informercial over and over when I was about 13 and I begged and pleaded with my parents to get one - they said they'd think about it. What's to think about? You can make potpourri, fruit roll-ups, dried fruit not to mention turkey jerky!!

I found out my friend Stephanie's Grandma had one, so I quickly invited her and the dehydrator over for a sleepover. The first thing we made was banana chips. They would likely be delicious right? No no they were like eating chewy chalk. And why? Because real banana chips are deep fried not dehydrated...oh boo. Everything else was a bust too...the apples, the tomatoes (not sure why we dehyrdated tomatoes)...anyhoo

Maybe I should turn my focus to the blue-blocker sunglasses.

12/8/05 08:46  

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