Sincerity in email
I exchange many emails throughout the day in my job.
When all you want to do is get a simple message across, it's a fabulous medium. If you take the time to compose a 'letter' and send it via email, it's also a great thing.
Where email is completely misused is when people use it to conversations. I'm not against using shorthand style of writing, but unless both parties understand this style, misunderstanding and frustration will develop. That confusion, along with the fact there are many stupid people in the world, makes for a very long day.
ANYWAYYYY.... What's this got to do with 'sincerity in email'? Let me give you a piece of advice:
Your Auto-Signature should include your name, title, and contact info, period. Few things make you look sillier than using a 'sign off' in your email. Most are harmless... "Thank you", "Respectfully", and so on. But some sign-offs are just plain silly. The sign-off that irks me most is "Sincerely". Just how sincere are you being when EVERY SINGLE ONE of you emails is signed-off with "Sincere"? What a hypocritical thing to do.
A sincere gesture is buying a friend lunch when they're having a bad day. Telling someone a joke to lighten a mood. Being sure to tell someone thank you after they've helped you is also a kind, sincere act. Having the word "Sincerely" automatically added to everyone one of your emails in NOT very sincere.
Why not sign-off every email with "Will you marry me?", or "Lovingly yours"? Perhaps instead of being recognised to the world as a hypocrite, you can find love with someone who's blind to the fact you've professed your love and proposed to every person you've ever exchanged emails with.
I think I'll try signing off every email with "When do you plan on paying me back that $5.00 you owe me?" Who knows, maybe I'll be a little richer by the end of the day.