Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bored in Montreal... Really?

The summer has kept me rather busy.
The new job seems to be picking up steam this summer, which is really frustrating since people should be relaxing come summer. but instead they seem to have this philosophy to have me do all this work as they try aking their holidays, and long weekends. So the weather is gorgeous.. people are heading home a few minutes early each day.... sneaking out of the office around 3 or so on Friday to get a good seat at the patio and I'm unable to book more than 2 days of vacation at a time and am rushing to get to any thing I have planned on a weeknight on time.

I'm pausing so you wipe that tear from your eye.

So besides work I'm playing another season of frisbeewhich has me at practice twice a week, playing games every Monday and then travelling to tourney's nearly every other weekend. This August I have only 1 weekend without frisbee. Strange habit / hobby / addiction.

I'm also seeing someone. She happens to be a teacher who's reslishing her time off this summer. I got her a hammock for her birthday (this will have a be another blog topic.... "gift buying during that early relationship limbo") and sometimes find myself tempted to bolt from the office and steal it from under her instead of sitting at my desk staring at my monitor.

Anyway, back to my original inspiration for this post. I'm bored in Montreal!.

I flew here for work the 3rd time in 4 weeks. I can summarize the first two trips like this:

  • arrive
  • go to clients office
  • see that certain tasks can't be done because either a, b, c or d hasn't happened
  • do what I can
  • return to the airport
  • get home
  • Day starts at the Winnipeg Airport at 5 AM (5:30 flight) and finishes at Wwinnipeg Airport a bit before 23:00 (YES, I use the 24 hour clock.... FAR more efficient)

    Anyway - I'm currently in Montreal for my second night. It's a touch slower pace since my tasks I'm here for have been split up, though tomorrow wil mean me cramming in a bunch of work before I leave for home tomorrow night.

    I must be getting old (hitting 30 in a few weeks), but after going for a walk, doing a bit of shopping (bought new soes), eating dinner alone, I find I'm just looking to kill time before going to bed. Thus, my first blog post in a while. If I had more than 3 or 4 days notice before making this trip I'd try bringing someone else along. Let them go about whatever they want and then have something to look forward to. Even if I couldn't bring along a travel partner, I'd at least look at what shows or concerts I could see. At the end of this month there's a cool looking ChineseAcrobatics / dance at Place des Arts.

    Anyway, a friend has just logged on to MSN Messenger. Haven't seen her in a while. We'll see how the rest of the night goes.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Holy Crap... He wrote, he wrote!

    4/8/06 15:39  
    Blogger rawbean said...

    you should have brought your lady friend with you, you crazy nut! That would have been SO FUN. 3-4 days notice is no excuse!

    7/8/06 23:48  
    Blogger rachelle in winnipeg, it's a living said...

    i'm currently bored in montreal and when i googled "bored in montreal" your blog came up.
    it kept my attention.
    thank-you for distracting me from some of the boredom for a bit.

    26/12/08 19:01  
    Blogger ALEXANDRA JOPP said...

    I am in Montreal and bored....googled bored in Montreal...and your post came up...why do people say it's a party city?? My third time here...and I am sitting in my fancy hotel room...bored!!

    23/11/10 22:11  

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