Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Satisfied my brother is 'Terrified' - is this wrong?

My younger brother (whom I've yet to mention here) has a new baby girl.
Both baby and mother are healthy.

Being the older brother, I usually dismiss Jacob* as something of a boob (to say the least). Part of my harsh assesment is earned, and the rest is freely given away.

What satisfaction did I get tonight?
Well amongst the joy, nervousness and awe at Denises'* birth, I detected something Jacob is often able to hide well enough to frustrate me.... fear.
For a brief moment I'm sure I saw a serious expression where he betrayed his fear at the propsect of being responsilbe for a helpless human being. That brief moment has given me a bit of peace ; knowing this goofball has finally recognized just what a monumental impact Denise has on his life. Til now, I thought him far too relaxed about it... I'm glad he's afraid.... not because I want him afraid, but because I think he's finally realized what's needed of him.

* not their real names

Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm not sure what to think about this....

Does anyone have an opinion on this?
My internal debate is between:
"live and let live", who am I to say how people should live?
"What the hell? Isn't this the year 2005? How many different things here are ethically wrong?"

I'd like to see if anyone can chip in with their two cents.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Welcome to my friend Arteest

Fellow Bloggers and Blog Voyeurs,

It pleases me to introduce Mr. Pradel, known here henceforth as 'Arteest'.
Arteest was first introduced a few weeks ago when I mentioned his upcoming show, and since then I've come to realise he's something of a dry wit, and should enjoy the opportunity to post to a blog himself.
I approached him while at Shannon's Pub this past Friday.... he gave me this whole speech about being honoured, but had to turn me down because he wouldn't know what to write... then he spent over an hour babbling non-stop about his gallery while had a pleasant chat with his girlfriend (who by the way is working her way to becoming a speech therapist), and she might her own interesting stories.. such as "Why does Arteest leave his dirty socks all over the apartment?"

Anyway, Arteest will post here occasionally, he's a good guy, puts up with my stupid jokes; like pretending to not understand him because of the 'accent' he doesn't have. Junk like that you can only pull on a guy who can laugh off the small stuff.

Enjoy his occasional ramblings, enjoy any art he puts up, check out his show on the 15th, and have a pleasant Sunday.

Friday, November 25, 2005


Sorry, but I'm waiting 4 my food at the food court and have decided to bore you.

Beside me is a couple, late 40's or early 50's. They appear to be enjoying their Skinner's hotdogs - can't tell if it's a foot long or not.
A lady (est she's over 60) is staring at me as I type on my blackberry. She just did 4 - 6 laps of her lips with her lipstick. Probably concentrating on what I'm doing.

Not much else - my food is ready. 30 min b4 I start my shift waiting tables.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Irrrrrrr........ I can't take it anymore!!!!


I've heard it all day today, and then I get home, turn on the news and hear someone interviewed spew it from their mouths..... IRRRRR-REGARDLESS.
That's not a word... if it's a word, what the %$%@# does REGARDLESS mean?!

Do people think you can just IR in front of anything and it's correct?

Here's a thought. A fun game might be to drop IR in front of some other word and use in conversation with people. Let's see how tolerant people are when I make up words. So far I can come up with irrapidly... any help will be appreciated.

Monday, November 21, 2005

'Common' Sense? ..... yeah, right

Click on the title and you'll see something that really distresses me. Dictionary.com refers to "good sense" and "common Sense" as synonyms; I beg to differ.

Now, I surrender to the point 'Dictionary.com is by no means an authority on the english language', but that's not what's important. Good sense is used to address issues, problems, or events you may not be familiar with, but just need to 'figure out', or 'get through te day'. Now that being said, good sense is by no means 'common', and this is why I think 'common sense' should be removed from the dictionary. I refer you to my previous post from long ago Can People Outgrow Stupid?, although I don't go in to much detail, I feel I make a pretty good case that dumb people are too dumb to smarten up. I suppose I could suggest this is also why 'Common Sense' is so uncommon, but I don't think it is.

People don't use good sense because they are lazy. Using sound judgment in a matter you don't know much about seems like a bit of work. You have to analyze what you're looking at, what you need or want, try to understand or apply a few basic principles, and then act acordingly. Is it just me, or do people just have a tendency to throw their hands up in the air and say "I don't know, I can't do this" the moment they approach something that either takes 3 minutes of effort to address, or isn't done for them instantly. And this day in age we have services for everything, people feel it's their right to have things done for them.

I really don't think you need to be smart to at least attempt doing something for yourself.
Have you ever changed a car tire? If no, please give this a quick read. It's not rocket science... yes it is a bit of work, but if you do approach it logically, each step makes sense, and if you use good sense, you should be able to at least make it to the dealership. and wouldn't that be more satisfying than standing 'helplessly' on the side of the road waiting for a kind, capable passerby?

If you didn't try using judgemnet or good sense to figure things out, how will you ever become more capable, or even more intelligent?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

My first afternoon at the fights...

First off, Congrats to Aaron! *

He had his first fight today. I'm happy for him, especially since I know he's been working really hard to get to his first match.

While at the fights I was wondering why someone would go in to a competition where you place yourself in harms way. Simply put; boxing to me is about knocking the other person senseless while protecting yourself as they try doing the same to you. This seems like a good time to mention I don't really agree with Aaron boxing.

Any sport or activity contains risk. I play ultimate frisbee and I know full well the more I play the more likely I am going to damage my knees or feet or ankles. I used to be a competitive road cyclist, where a crash in a race or training could likely mean a broken collarbone or maybe a rib.
I've been knocked unconscious playing basketball and hockey while in high school. So if you're assuming my problem with boxing is the violence or the risk to your health, you're wrong.

I don't think boxing is wrong. No more than hitting a guy with his head down in hockey, or a basketball player getting charged really hard as they set a pick (if you don't like it, keep your head up or don't set a pick). In boxing, both participants enter the ring knowing and understanding the risks, and agree to compete... just like any sport. My concern with Aaron boxing, (and perhaps with many of the younger kids there today), is the fact I don't believe he's really respecting or appreciating the risks involved.

Throughout the past few months as Aaron's training has taken on more sparring, I've noticed him showing up afterwards being what I consider punch drunk or 'in a fog'. He'd have noticeable difficulty focusing in conversations, would stutter a bit more than usual, and generally just not all be there. Now, if he were to say "Yeah, I'm not all here right now, but it's a price I'm willing to pay because I don't want to give it up.", but he doesn't. Aaron tends to say things such as The brain is hidden behind your forehead and when the front of your head is struck your brain slides back and doesn't suffer the blow.This concept I understand, however this doesn't eliminate the potential of suffering serious permanent head injury.

Really, I'm wanting to get across that if you choose to step into a ring, onto a court, on a rink, and both understand and accept the potential consequences, then go for it. Who am I to judge what's important to you. If you're in Aaron's shoes, and understand that you have a slight slur and stammer a bit after a sparring workout; and know that long term exposure to being struck in the head can harm the most important organ in your body then enjoy. I respect the fact you'd be facing against not just the other boxer, but also against your own instincts to flee or step away from harm. I am also a bit envious you are entering one of the few places left that encourages "old school 'manly' behaviour".
But, having been knocked out before, and meeting a few people who've suffered different types of head injuries (and yes, a couple boxers who didn't know when to quit), I think I'll stick to ultimate. While it is possible that playing ultimate may chronic knee or ligament injuries, I'll opt to play a sport not as likely to inflict short term memory loss or 'mind fogs'.

Aaron, if you're reading this, congratulations, I really mean it. You climbed in to ring and faced an opponent. Very few people can say they've done that.

* not his real name

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Antiques Road Show

Do any of you watch this?

I typically change the channel when it comes on. But a few times I catch myself drawn in by the story of what's being appraised.

Some of the items are really neat and tell a good story. I caught an episode where an old british merchant navy uniform was found by a couple moving in to a Victorian era home they inherited. They found some paperwork with it including a document listing all the ports of call of some old ship form the mid 1800's.

Apparently this guy is orphaned in England at something like 12 yrs old, joins the merchant fleet, sails around Africa, India, SOuth America, etc. Get's to Canada before Dominion and gets discharged (apparently that's where he'd get this paper... to prove he was a legit sailor). He's 20 something and the people go on to talk about how he become a Great Lakes sailor/officer, he may have helped smuggle Confederate soldiers/sympathizers back and forth to and from the US during the civil war, but apoparently ran cargo around.
He marries a lady in Toronto, has a kid, and dies of some complicatin of a fever he had while a younger man. Died at something like 30 or 40.

BTW - I just got home and turned on the TV - Antiques Roadshow is on - this is how it got on my mind. But this sailor stuff was from a while ago.

But isn't that just a cool story? Imagine... This guy, 200 years ago, saw amazing parts of the world, while they were still TRULY different and all the while, he's likely just working his ass off trying to keep out of trouble and keep from getting sick, etc. Do you think this person would have known just what he was experiencing? That 200+ years later people might possibly be looking at his old uniform and ship's "list of ports of call" (there must be a correct term for that) as something of value.


Anyway - I'm sorting my summer clothes to storage and pulling out the winter and came across my old pair of track spikes. What will be going on with them in 200 years if I hold on to them?
Too much work - I'm tossing them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Life in my own little world...

Well... Here's my 2nd post in a row that starts off with the snow we just got here in Winnipeg.

The past couple of days, I've had my own stuff going on. Work, my foot's bother me a bit, stuff like that. But the weather has had relatively little impact on me.

I live and work right in downtown Winnipeg. I wake up, leave my apartment, walk 7 or 8 blocks to work, do my job, and walk 7 or 8 blocks home. Sure there's snow on the ground and my shoes are a little wet, but that'ws nothing.
Now I'm home and I can whatever I feel like doing. My commute lasts around 15 minutes each way... from door to door. and traffic on the sidewalk doesn't bother me much at all. I have no children to get home to, no pets to rush home to feed.

Today I was talking with people who had to deal with getting their kids to and from school, shovelling their driveways to get to work, get home on time for the kids and pets, etc. Whle they would tell me of these things I was thinking "I'm feeling pretty tired, I think I'll have a nap after work so I can play ultimate (no, I'm not a frisbee chasing dog) tonight. It's a good life.

I can choose to be lazy if I want. If I want to work at something I have the resources I need, mostly time. If I want to goof off and have fun... I can!

I find simplicity is what's good. I did have a car, but parked it and signed it over to my bro. I was using it once every week or so, it would need repairs now and then, vandalized a couple of times... just a hassle. If I need to get somewhere I usually do the following; walk, or bike (don't bike in the winter), transit (it's not bad), taxi and/or friends with cars. Granted, most of my friends, being the awesome people they are, tend to go too far out of their way to ensure I can get a ride to wherever. Really ice of them, but sometimes I feel like a parasite just bumming rides.... but then again it means they get more time with me (those lucky bums :). So no - I can't EASILY hop in the car and drive across the city to do whatever, but I don't feel I'm missing too much.

I'm living downtown to help keep things simple. I work a few blocks away. There are stores nearby. Buses are nearby. There's nothing much more that I need. I even have groceries delivered once a week so I don't need to plan or worry about getting to the store.

Now, as I was thinking about the other folks around me and driving kids to lessons, getting home to the dog, taking care of the spouse, etc... I did the whole "Am I shallow?"
Am I missing out on the satisfaction of seeing 'my' child grow?
Do I miss not having a beloved dog greet me at the door?
Am I sad I don't have a wife / significant other to listen to or talk to each evening?

I suppose that yeah - I kind of do miss those things now and then. So am I growing up or something? In a way I hope so... but on the other hand I really hope not. I enjoy this lifestyle... few worries, very selfish, but I don't consider myself childish either.

I think in some ways I'm quite self-aware. I don't think I currently have the patience to deal with a person who soils themselves, so I probably shouldn't have kids.
I'd like having a dog around, but then I'd have to wake up and take it for walks, and really I'd be ticked off I couldn't sleep in until the last minute.
Having a spouse / significant other? I'm a good enough person, I suppose it'll happen when my time is right and I find the right person. I'm not stressing the issue. I'd rather be alone than be stuck in some relationship out of 'habit'. When both I and 'she' are both at a place where we're willing to put up with each other's crap, I suppose then I'll be fulfilled.
For now - I feel like reading a bit and having a nap :).

I wonder why I'm being so introspective all of a sudden? I have started working out a bit.. maybe I'm taking a closer look at myself now that I'm that much better looking?

Thoughts, opinions anyone?! Let' er rip.

P.S. the delivered groceries are awesome. I just leave my little bin at my door and they leave me my stuff. Worth a look.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

News Coverage...

For those of us not aware of the weather in Winnipeg, we got a pretty good dump of snow over the past 24 hours or so. According to the news I'm watching now, between 20 to 30 cm, but if you ask most people around here, we got something along the lines of 600 metres.
I don't mean it isn't a mjor impact, it is. Buses were stuck, cars all over the place, flights cancelled.

What I can't get over is the news coverage of this.

1st off - Why is it the weather coverage has to be done from the outdoors?
I'm watching the local news and for some reason, they find it necessary for a reporter to stnd on the street to introduce the weather coverage... and by the way - they only showed her face and the street lights behind her.

2nd - Are all TV viewers DUMB! They have a reporter, standing outside in the snow, giving advice of "What you need to do."
"If you have a child in school, check with your childs school to see they are open tomorrow."
"If you plan on flying, check with the airline before going to the airport." THIS AFTER THEY JUST INTERVIEWED PEOPLE STRANDED AT THE AIRPORT... News is to report what is happening. Not how to think for yourself. If they were reporting an announcement by schools or airport officials.. but they wee just puking up 'good sense'. (remind me to fill you in on the difference between good sense and common sense another time).

3rd - They introduce a report on cross border water stewardship with a shot of some dude running across the street and hurdling snow banks. "While Winnipegger's are battling winter weather, another political battle is brewing.." OOOHHHHH... the Drama... I'm Soooo riveted. Good thing they showed snow on the TV, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten my attention...

4th - Another newscast just had their weatherman tell people to wipe snow from the hood of their car before they start driving! And of course - he's standing outside and doing a 'practical demonstration' of how to wipe said snow from said car. Why are newscasts pandering to morons!!!!!

I don't currently have cable, but I remember having BBC news to watch when I did. It was awesome. They covered the whole world, far less audience pandering... except some of their correspondants adding their little bit of 'heart-string tugging'..... "and so as most people in London gather about the local pubs to dine, visit and remember friends lost in the tragic bombings... this child in Darfur is hoping to hide a small amount of food from the roving bands of bandits.." - That CAN really hit home. It DOES hit home, but I can also draw the conclusion myself.

We've got this awesome freedom of the press in this country (BTW - I'm in Canada), why do we wait for the news to entertain us before we pay attention? Pardon me if you consider this last remark cheesy, but I fear if we keep allowing our standards to slip, we'll soon be looking to Fox News, and People magazine as our 'trusted sources'

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Log Drivers Waltz???

Ever notice how people can find nostalgic value in the oddest things?

After a few bev's last night at Bar Italia, a few folks wound up at an apartment nearby and after reviewing the titles of the adult only section of MTS Digital TV (I think the fav title was "Horny Asian Nympho's") we began surfing the Free Stuff Section.

At one point a couple of the ladies we happy to see the Log Drivers Waltz... it's a cartoon vignette from the NFB. So the cartoon begins and all of a sudden the ladies in the room start singing along in their own version of the opera voice. And I realise just what an impact this canadian television filler had on these two.

It reminds me of Rocket Robin Hood and how that seems to have impacted people other than myself. Seeing Dana's post I felt much better about myself. Until then, I used to think I was the only person who ever watched this cartoon or had fond memories of it. It's amazing me how others share my fond memories of an obscure, choppy cartoon. Granted, I think the absolute BEST part of RRH (Rocket Robin Hood, in case you aren't on the 'in') was the opening theme song... the chorus "Band of Brothers marching together"... and seeing RRH and his crew marching along (strngely without moving their arms or legs) was mesmerizing, it still is in a way.

What obscure, low budget memory do you have? Doesn't have to be a cartoon, but feel free to share.. perhaps others will surprise you and admit to the same fond feelings.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I can solve the worlds disputes....


I have, while swapping stories with friends or discussing matters of importance found it necessary to point out when a friend is completely in the wrong or completely full of crap. At said point in the conversation I'll declare Shennanigans. Why Shenannigans? Funny word. Innocent word. Yet the sound of it implies horsplay, or wrong doing. Once declared, I'm obliged to explain what has been said that I feel is crap. I never used to say Shenannigans, I used to say something witty like "You're full of crap!" And occasionallywould get a punch in the face.
Being a peaceloving wuss, and fearful for my good looks, I developped the Shenannigan protocol.

Rules and Etiquette
  • Once Shennanigans has been declared, it must be resolved as it is a matter of honour. To be accused of a Shennanigans and not defend yourself will result in a severe blight on your reputation.
  • Once declared, neither the Shenanniganner (accuser) nor the Shenannigannee (defendant) are allowed to consume any alcohol (strangely Sehnannigans are rarely declared without alcohol present) until the matter is resolved.
  • Shennanigans must be declared on the spot unless it compromises a friends alibi in front of his girlfrien /boyfriend, signifigant other, or prospect. (i.e. don't blow their 'good thing' or chance at a 'good thing' by blowing their lie or cover story)
  • Once the matter is resolved, the loser shall provide one beverage, to the victor.
  • If the Shennanigans can't be settled in a timely manner, then bystanders (likely because they're sick of listening to this BS being hashed and re-hashed) may declare a Ro-Sham-Bo (yes, from South Park). Why something so serious as a Ro-Sham-Bo? It is a TRUE test of convictions. The man willing to enter a Ro-Sham-Bo TRULY believes in the cause.
  • Should Ro-Sham-Bo be declared, the bystander declaring Ro-Sham-Bo shall decide which party that shall receive the first kick. Remember, the participant(s) of the Ro-Sham-Bo may also call Shenannigans aginst the bystander turned Ro-Sham-Bo official, making them potentially a Ro-Sham-Bo participant AND preventing their beverage consumption until this new Shenannigans is settled

    How it Works
    Here's a typical application of Shennanigan's in a usual setting. You're having a couple drinks with a few friends... let's just say it's a BBQ.
    Fool: "... so long story short, that's how I inventerd the beanie babies. But the original concept was called Booger Babies"
    Huma: "I declare Shennanigans. You invented no such thing!"
    both parties place their partially consumed drinks on the table
    Fool: "What the hell are you on?! You know this is true. You were there!"
    Huma: "I don't think so! I've never been to a day spa... and who in their right mind would come up with the idea called Booger Babies!?"
    Fool: "All right... maybe I didn't really say that. Here's your beer."

    Variations of the Ro-Sham-Bo
    I would like to suggest that if need be, a Ro-Sham-Bo-esque event may take place depending on the surroundings and the context of the relationship.
    For example, if both patries involved play a sport together.. Ro-Sham-Bo may replace kicks to a test of accuracy throwing or kicking a ball at the target.

    Anyway... imagine how quickly our Softwood lumber trade dispute would be settled if we set up Paul Martin vs George W. Bush to meet over the matter, and then have Paul yell out "Shenannigans!" as Bush was speaking.

    Anyway - Let me know if you think this may work. What disputes have you had where you wish this tool was available. Have you ever thought someone needed to be shut up? Could this have helped?

  • Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    I have an Artist Friend....

    Look! Look! I know an artist!.
    Feel free to check out the other artists as well. But Rod's the guy I know.
    I like his stuff, it's kinda different... well let's be honest... It's not some prairie landscape which seems like the only thing you can ever see in a waiting room, or office, or anywhere you seem to turn in this city.
    Another cool thing, when I say something like, "I like that one, it's got some cool colours." He doesn't feed me some artsy line about motivation, spirirt of the subject and blah blah blah. Maybe he believes in that, but he knows I have a pretty short attention span and tune him out... In fact, if I ever caught describing how 'emotional' his painting is for him to anyone other than a chick, I'd likely never talk to him again....

    Anywho, shameless plug for Rod's work, I know.... just kinda hoping any chicks reading this are impressed by the fact I have an 'artist' friend ;).

    He's got a show this week if you care to check it out.

    How about this for a Winnipeg night out?
  • Check out a show at the Improv Fest
  • check out some of Rod's show
  • Grab a coffee or dessert at the Fyxx or something (the Exchange one, not the Broadway one..)

    Anyway - I told you what to do Thursday... and truth is I'm all talk.
    I'll likely be working late Thursday... Might check out the gallery on the way home.. but will likely just live as the recluse I really am. insert sad 'pity music' here

    And YES, I have just cracked open the depths of my HTML knowledge to accomplish the hyperlinks.... I hope they prove worthwhile...