Sunday, April 30, 2006

Is this really news?..... I think it might just be real news...US NEWS!!!

So I was checking the headlines on my home page and saw that Condleeza Rice had a tough interview on CBS "Face the Nation" this morning. So I check out and found the above clip.

I am shocked. A reporter, actually challenged their guest on a couple of points. Granted, if this was 1 year ago when Bush's approval was something more than what it is today (something in the 30% + range I think) would Schieffer have had the "you know what" to challenge her comment about the Iraqi army 'melting' away.

It is unfortunate that next to no one will have seen this program - I'm no better, I just caught the 2 mins you may have just watched.

This reminds me of when I found a BBC report online about the state of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The video reporter actually made the effort to follow a police SWAT unit as they had a gun fight in some housing project where armed looters had based themselves. They showed an actual gunfight, in the streets of New Orleans!!! And I don't recall any of the US networks even mentioning it.

I hope we can expect more from the news than just regurgitate what they're allowed to say. We'll see.

Anyway - off to enjoy some more of the weekend.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Peep Show, who wants to come???

First of all i want to say hello to everyone, been a little while, got a little busy.
But I finally got one of these blogs up, check it out with these other related sites.

Our next show "PEEP SHOW" , is coming up soon. check the link for details.

hope to hear from ya.


Pradel's Blog
Pradel's other site
The Albert Hub Gallery

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Do as you are told... just be choosy about who you listen to.

Well - I suppose I should say I've been too busy to blog, but the fact is I was just having a couple crappy weeks and figured y'all (shout out to Lawrence Kansas!) would rather not read my frustrations with things that truly don't matter much.

So what's got me back here today?
Taking a lunch break at my desk - and this keeps me from working during my 'relaxing' time.
I didn't bring a lunch today, so I decided to make the 5 - 8 minute walk to Quizno's at the MTS Centre.
I'm not much of a fan vendors at the arena since they have limited menus - but I decided today "I will do what the bus told me to do."

I decided that because a bus driving past showed the Quizno's Black Angus Beef sub along it's side, that I will do as the City of Winnipeg tells me. Why not? The traffic lights are run by the ctiy, the stop signs are maintained by the city; and we all pay attention to those... so why not eat the sandwich that is plastered along a city run bus?

Anyway - In this case, the city has done very well. This is a good sandwich. I think I shall email the bus driving people's organization, BOW (Bus Operators of Winnipeg)... yes I made that up and thank them for the suggestion.

And I'm open to other suggestions. What else should the city be advertising on?
How about an electronic sign at each traffic light? When the light is red it shows a 30 second ad for the take out restaurant on that block? hmmmm - I'm possibly on to something here.

Anyway - I'll leave you pondering now. I still have to adjust to the fact there is a monthly "advertisement magazine" called 'Shoe - Aholic" that people seem to really look forward to.