Well, really I wasn't 'busted' in the sense of doing anything wrong... I was caught simply by allowing my face to show my true feelings... I expressed myself.
The SituationI'm the elevator at the office. It's just before lunch time so the elevator is busy.
There are two other people on the elevator, one behind me, and another to my right. The door opens and two others board and occupy the space previously occupied by the other lady. I look over (I decided against saying that I look 'down' at the new passenger, but I am probably a good 9 inches taller than her) and hear a slight 'gasp' of the "Well I
never" variety behind and to the right. You see, one of the passengers was quite upset by the disgusted look I let slip on to my face. The reason she was obviously upset with me... The lady now standing directly beside me is physically challenged and using a pair of crutches to get around.
But PLEASE!!! Believe me when I say I never even noticed this. What I was disgusted by was the new co-passenger who arrived and is two spaces over... And the
BUCKET OF PERFUME she was wearing!!!! I was almost in tears. DEAR GAWD!
My Solution (to this very difficult social 'faux pas')
I pretended to stifle a sneeze.
I'm a shitty actor.
The ResultThe lady with the crutches gave me a confused "Bless you."
I could see from the reflection in the door my 1 person audience was obviously unimpressed with my performance.
The Perfume Factory was still giving off vapors like Pepe Le Pew from Looney Tunes .
The LessonDon't express yourself in public.
Daily botox if you're like me and are unable to hide your feelings behind a cool exterior and bitch about it later on your blog.
Take the stairs.